Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fun Jumping On Mama's Bed

Ready... set ... go!

Hey, this is fun!

Nathan had a blast bouncing his sister all over the place. As you can see by the look on Kellum-Ann's face, she was a little "shook up".

Nathan and Kellum-Ann enjoyed the long weekend that we all had together. We played outside in the pool, in the creek and had a good time at the ball field. I will try to get some pictures of the kids down at the creek. Kellum-Ann loved it, just like Nathan!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Wonderful 3 Months

Today marks three months since Kellum-Ann was handed to us. As I look back at that day, now much later, I get emotional. As I posted on February 26th, I did not get emotional when we received Kellum-Ann but now here it comes. The past three months have been wonderful with some moments of craziness. Blair and I have learned how to handle a toddler again and Nathan has learned what it is like to love a little sister. Just yesterday, I asked Nathan wasn't he glad that we had Kellum-Ann in our lives and this was his comment... "yes but I don't get alot of attention anymore", I thought to myself uh-oh how do I handle this, but before I could respond he said " but that is ok because she is a baby and I am older so I don't need as much." Well as you can see Nathan is a trooper. We have really tried to not change his world too much, but maybe we need to try a little harder.

Daily I think of Kellum-Ann's birthmother and what she might be doing. I wish I could tell her that Kellum-Ann is happy, safe and with a family that loves her. She was brave and carried her baby for nine months knowing that she would probably have to give her up. Wow... that is hard to handle. She chose life for her baby girl and I am so grateful to her for that! If she had chosen one of her other options,we would not have our precious little girl that is now so full of life!

Thanks to everyone that emailed us while we were in China. Those encouraging words got us through some rough hours those first two nights. We will never forget the support that Randolph County and abroad gave to us while we were half way around the world. I saved and printed out ALL 250 messages that we received through here and by email. I have a special place in her Life Book for them! I can't wait for her to read and understand the significance of her being here in this place, with this family at this time! What a wonderful testimony to be heard one day!

I will continue to post every week for our family and friends who do not get to see Kellum-Ann much... and everyone else is welcome to watch our little one grow as well! She is a bundle of energy and we love her dearly. I wondered before we received Kellum-Ann if I would be capable of loving her as much as Nathan... well now I believe God places that love in your heart and that it is there all the time. It is only when you choose to share it that it comes alive! I am glad that we chose to share it with a little angel from China that God chose for us. Maybe adoption is not for you or maybe it is... but God has put that love in your heart as well. Choose to share it with a child in need, if not through adoption then by helping financially or by giving of your time. Believe me you WILL be blessed by it!

I will end this post by sharing some of Kellum-Ann's accomplishments over the past 3 months:
  • Day 2 with us... did not care for Daddy too much - Day 90... loves him dearly
  • In China she would not walk(we knew that she could)... as soon as we got home, she went walking crazy
  • Now she still does not like to walk.... instead she loves to run!
  • Mama's Favorite Words that she can now say... mama, moo, Nanun (Nathan), cracker, bubbles, gaga (dada), dog, wuv woo (I love you), good girl, mone (c'mon), hi, bye bye, PLUS more but I won't bore you!
  • The girl loves the swimming pool!
  • When told to shake her booty... well guess what? She shakes her booty and can do her ballet turn and do a front roll (this is the proud dance teacher talking)
  • She made it through her first dance recital and loved it!
  • She loves to be at the baseball field watching her brother and flirting with the high school boys who umpire!
  • She loves to eat!!!
  • The girl loves to be naked!
  • She has used the potty several times!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience with us!

Blair, Vicki, Nathan and Kellum-Ann

This picture is of our family moments after gotcha, it has already been posted but I wanted t o look at it again!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Summer Days are Here... So Break Out The Bikinis

Here is Kellum-Ann during her first "photo shoot". Everytime I would say pose... she would place her hand on her hip and tilt that head to smile! It was so funny. We are so blessed with this little girl.
Yesterday, Nathan blessed my heart when he said out of the blue... I am so glad that we have Kellum-Ann! He has been a wonderful big brother.
Here are several pictures of Nathan and Kellum-Ann playing in the yard. She has adjusted so well! It is like she has always been with us and what can I say... the girl loves to play!

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Very Happy Mother's Day

My Blessings From Above...I Love You Nathan and Kellum-Ann!

Me and My Daddy

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Me and My Mama

Six Flags Trip

Waiting to ride The Monster Plantation~ I thought that it would scare her but she loved it!
Nathan took one of his friends, Trey, they had a blast and rode tons of rides!

Kellum-Ann had a great time. We stayed until closing and she never got upset. She took EVERYTHING in and she even rode the Kiddie Rides!

While the boys were on the Swings, we visited Batman & Robin and Wonderwoman!

She never got tired of waiting and we did ALOT of waiting to ride.

You can see how excited Kellum-Ann is to ride! She loved the Flying Ships.

ATTACK of the "Weenie Dog"

While at Six Flags, Nathan won his little sister a weenie dog. Well... this small prize became an instant hit while the "boys" were off riding some roller coaster. We played and played with that little weenie dog. Everytime the weenie dog "attacked", Kellum-Ann would bite and pull on his ear or nose. Everyone walking by would crack up b/c she was screaming at that poor weenie dog as loud as she could!

"I love my new weenie dog and my big brother!"

Friday, May 05, 2006

Fun in the Sand Box

Nathan and Kellum-Ann enjoy playing in the sandbox... well, actually Kellum-Ann enjoys tearing down whatever Nathan builds in sand! Bless Nathan's heart, he never complains.

This was taken right after Kellum-Ann decided to consume ANOTHER bite of sand. I don't know what I am going to do with this girl. She will eat anything!
This will make my daddy proud! While we were playing in the sandbox, the cows came up to the barn and began their usual yelling to be fed. Kellum-Ann pranced her little self over to the catch pen and watched them for a long time.